CONBILITY is an award-winning spin-off of RWTH Aachen University, Europe´s leading Excellence University in the field of production technology.
We develop and provide industrial machine systems for the placement and winding of UD-fibers (tapes, dry-fiber-rovings, thermoset-prepregs), based on more than 25 years of experience of the Fraunhofer-Institute IPT, Aachen, Germany.
We are also specialized in solutions and products to support job-, process- and product costing for manufacturing processes. What makes us unique is our combination of consulting, our award-winning software OPLYSIS® and our great expertise in material and production technologies.
Our PrePro 2D and PrePro 3D production machines are based on more than 25 years of experience in the field of laser-assisted tape laying. CONBILITY continuously cooperates with the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology (IPT) on the Campus of RWTH Aachen University to implement and further develop our products.
The use of lasers as a heat source for melting thermoplastic tapes is the best method for fast and temperature-controlled production of laminates for subsequent forming and direct component production. The temperature in the process zone is measured online and the laser power is controlled according to the temperature. The high power density of the laser ensures high placement speeds of up to 1 m/s while maintaining the quality of the tape.
Regarding the processing of thermoplastic tapes, our in-situ consolidation process accomplishes fully consolidated 2D-laminates and substitutes expensive (cost-intensive and energy-consuming) subsequent consolidation processes within consolidation molding presses. Exemplary applications are stiffening UD-profiles which can be used in injection molding, laminates for subsequent thermoforming processes or local UD-reinforcement of existing thermoplastic textile-based “Organo-sheets”.
Our modular applicable and multifunctional tape placement applicator can be integrated into existing robot systems and is equipped with decentral control system and HMI. The “PrePro 3D” applicator is one single tool (one investment) for three different technologies:
Thermoplastic Tape Placement and Tape Winding
Dry-Fiber Placement
Thermoset-Prepreg Placement (including a backing paper unwinding system)
Software and Consulting:
With our award-winning job costing software OPLYSIS®, evaluation of production-, process-, and product-costing has never been easier.
Model and analyze process chains in minutes, using the intuitive drag & drop interface of our job costing software OPLYSIS® and make better decisions quicker in product development, production planning, offering, sales, and supply.
We are looking for partners in the EMR region
Contact details
Gebäudeteil 3B, 4. Etage
52074 Aachen