Compoform is an exponential growing company producing super strong , super light thermoplastic composites.
The company started developing these unique materials for a broad range of applications based upon the work done by Compomeer BV (owned by the same shareholders as Compoform BV) in the years 2012 – 2016 , as continuation of the same group of materials invented / developed by Ir. Paul L. A. Hamm in “Novameer BV” in the years 2008 – 2012. (Novameer BV was sold for anti-ballistic applications to Teijin Ltd and today the material is known to be the world’s strongest anti-ballistic material (sold under the naam “Endumax”)
In Compoform the shaerholders invested in IP , full production facilities and marketing , well over 6 million Euro.
The company, doubling its turnover every year since the start in 2016 / 2017 um of 14 mio Euro (of that Earn Out) .
The materials Compoform BV produces are used by customers in producing lightweight electrical trucks, using boards at weights below 3 kg / m2)
COMPOFORM BV is a very proud partner in the “UCCON” PROJECT (Universal Chassis Connected Operators Network)
The “UCCON” is a very unique development by the “Teamobility” group of which today both Dr. Johann Tomforde (founder and main shareholder, and “father" of many cars including tyhe SMART) and Ir. Paul Hamm (Owner of the COMPO-GROUP and “father” of the DURACAR (first full electrical cars in 2008) are members of the CORE TEAM.
The UCCON pre-developed and the “Concept car” / “Design Demonstrator” was presented at the IAA 09/2018 and is today displayed in Boeblingen (Germany)
UCCON is ready to build for SOP in 2022 for 20.000 or more “rolling chassis” entities, including the complete Cockpit Structure, the Cockpit itself, the Crash-Box, the Battery / BMS and full Drive System, the Wheels-base etc. for already some 37.000 pre order inquiries, by System Partners who concentrate on finishing (plans provided by Teamobility) the entities into complete vehicles (busses, people movers, trucks, transporters, mobile homes, fire-fighter trucks, ambulances etc.)
COMPOFORM is today the supplier of extreme light materials for trucks.
The Compoform lightweight panel is a reliable, high strength board, made of continuous glass fibre reinforced thermoplastic composite with an ultra-light honeycomb core. It is an engineered product design, giving lots of freedom in build-up, depending the mechanical, aesthetical and commercial requirements.
Increase payload up to 30% by using the Compoform light-weight truck floor. Compoform floors are especially designed for light (urban) delivery trucks. The Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) segment becomes more attractive, but also competitive, mainly cost driven. We can make a difference with Compoform lightweight floors providing higher payloads and better fuel efficiency.
Contact details
6191NC Beek (Limburg)
The Netherlands