Company name
Hexpol Compounding HQ
Description company activity

HEXPOL Compounding is part of HEXPOL AB, a Swedish polymer group, listed on the OMX Nordic Stock Exchange. HEXPOL AB is organized in two business areas HEXPOL Compounding and HEXPOL Engineered Products. They operate in different market segments, despite this HEXPOL utilizes distinct synergies in the area of technology, purchasing and production.

HEXPOL Compounding is one of the world’s leading groups in the field of the development and production of Advanced Rubber Compounds and High Performance Polymer Compounds, as well as TPE Compounds and Thermoplastic Compounds, using highly innovative processes and the latest state-of-the-art equipment. HEXPOL Compounding provides customized solutions for a wide range of markets and applications, most important the automotive, building & construction and transportation industry, followed by energy, oil & gas, wire & cable, consumer & healthcare, rollers and many other industrial markets.


Compounds for automotive body sealing systems, under the Hood applications, suspension and anti-vibration systems, as well as in- and exterior applications. All products are individually developed to fullfill the customers requirements, with regards to abrasion and scratch resistance, thermal and electrical performance, UV-resistance, durability, low emission and all technical requirements, including oil, fuel and heat resistance. The products are designed to achieve the highest standard in visual aesthetics, durability and sustainability. Our experts develop optimized recipes that can meet the stringent requirements of the automotive industry.

Product areas for the automotive sector:
- Rubber compounding
- TPE compounding
- Thermoplastic compounding
- Additives and pigment masterbatches

Our use cases

HEXLIGHT® – weight reduction for sealing solutions

Details of use cases

Light, Smooth, Stiff And Insulating
HEXLIGHT® represents a range of compounds that are designed with low density and electrical insulation in mind, while retaining the same mechanical properties you are accustomed to across our product range. HEXLIGHT®, thanks to its surface properties, stiffness, lower density, appearance and tactile properties is ideal for a variety of applications where a smooth finish, excellent adhesion properties are preferred.

Further information

Coming events in 2021:
- PIAE (Kunststoffe im Automobilbau) 08. – 09.06.2021 in Mannheim /Germany
- DKT online 28.06. – 01.07.2021
- IZB (Internationale Zulieferer-Börse) 05. – 07.10.2021 in Wolfsburg /Germany

What we are looking for

- Designing the right sealing solution material
- Developing sustainable solutions
- Soft-touch solutions to increase comfort of passengers

Contact details

Carsten Rüter
President Technology Europe & Asia
+32 87 596150
Gewerbestrasse 8
4700 Eupen

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