Brightlands Materials Center
Company name
Brightlands Materials Center
Description company activity

Brightlands Materials Center is an international R&D center in the field of polymeric materials with the aim to bring innovative and sustainable materials solutions meeting tomorrow’s societal challenges. Its four major shared research programs are in the fields of Lightweight Automotive, Sustainable Buildings, Additive Manufacturing and Circular Packaging. Brightlands Materials Center is a joint innovation center of TNO, the Dutch innovation organization for applied scientific research (, in collaboration with the province of Limburg, and is located at the Brightlands Chemelot Campus in Geleen, The Netherlands. More information:

Further information

Brightlands Materials Center runs two application driven research programs on thermoplastic composites: Additive Manufacturing and Lightweight Automotive.

Lightweight Automotive focuses on light weighting, over-moulding and recycling by means of hybrid or multi-material thermoplastic composites. Developments are:
-material modeling and analysis technologies to optimize weight, and reduce cost and development time, with a focus on lifetime prediction of thermoplastic composites
-characterization methods and adhesion between dissimilar multi-materials
-recycling technologies to close the loop and re-use Thermoplastic Composites as Long Fiber Thermoplastics (LFT).

The Additive Manufacturing program focuses on (1) enabling mechanically functional 3D printed parts by using thermoplastic composites with short and continuous fibers, and (2) embedded sensing in 3D printed thermoplastic composites to monitor structural information. Developments include:
-materials and fibers characterization and selection;
-materials interaction and composition development;
-part (re-)design, modeling of performance;
-3D printing with short and continuous fibers, processing;
-application characterization; mechanical and sensing properties.

Lightweight automotive - Brightlands Materials Center
Additive manufacturing - Brightlands Materials Center
News - Brightlands Materials Center

What we are looking for

Companies and consortia in need for in-depth material development and simulation in the area of thermoplastic composites and 3D printing. Likewise we look for companies and consortia who have expertise in complementary competencies enabling to accelerate in the world of advanced thermoplastic composite manufacturing.
Our Fieldlab can generate demonstrators on lab- and pilot-scale and our simulation can predict long-term performance. We look for cooperation in the area of assembly of both smaller and larger demonstrators and for end-users who are in need of optimizing parts and search for reuse and recycling of their materials.

Contact details

Richard Janssen
Business Development Manager
+31(0)88 866 96 90
Urmonderbaan 22 (Gate 2)
6167 RD Geleen
The Netherlands

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  • Brightlands Materials Center
  • Brightlands Materials Center
  • Brightlands Materials Center
  • Brightlands Materials Center
  • Brightlands Materials Center