AutomotiveNL is the cluster organization for the Dutch automotive industry, mobility sector, automotive education sector and has over 160 members. It is financially independent and continues to expand its activities and facilities in this domain. AutomotiveNL was established in 2011 as a Dutch private limited company (BV).
From its base of operations on the Automotive Campus in Helmond, AutomotiveNL performs activities essential to its members with a dedicated, highly experienced team of experts. It is a lean organization with a small permanent staff who manage to workload by bringing in outside contractors on a project-by-project basis and partnering with other organizations. The company is structured into teams that are each in charge of a primary area of activity. These teams meet regularly to discuss developments and possible bottlenecks and coordinate their efforts.
Cluster Organization:
Connecting automotive companies (small, medium, large) with government agencies (municipalities, provinces and nationwide)
Network organization and innovation cluster
Stimulate innovations (lightweight materials, battery technology, hydrogen, synthetic, fossil fuels, etc.)
Program lines:
Smart Mobility
Green Mobility
Manufacturing & Materials
Human capital
Over 160 members based in the Netherlands
Lightweight cluster
Collaboration with cluster organization CompositesNL
This is a knowledge group that also includes companies in the maritime sector and aerospace sector.
Please find some examples for cooperations here: AutomotiveNL
Ronde tafel MMIP klimaatakkoord - In August 2019
Battery day 3 - In November 2019
WS Logistic / transport management -UC logistics day - In September 2019
WS Electric vehicle transmission - DKTI - In October 2019
Seminar Safety electric vehicle - DKTI- tijdens Global EV Charging Summit - Elaad - In October 2019
Cross sector seminar Automotive meets Electronics - In November 2019
Congress i.s.m. Mikrocentrum - In October 2019
Seminar Waterstof impact in de toeleverketen - waterstofregio 2.0 - In 2020
WS Reuse, Recycle - In 2020
WS Alternatieve Brandstof - In 2020
Cross sector seminar Automotive meets Maritiem - In 2020
Waterstof netwerkdag - In 2020
WS Collaborative Roboting - In 2020
Seminar Business development UK (Brexit) - In 2020
Business Development Midwest USA - In 2020
We only do that for members, we act as intermediaries towards other companies, knowledge institutions, and governments.
Specific for this project. Our region within the EMR region is a relevant knowledge region regarding lightweight development. Many companies are active in this field. Together with these companies, we want to be the hotspot for lightweight development and production.
Contact details